Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Wedding

***this is a tribute to wonderful characters that Stephenie Meyer has's to hoping for the best!***

August 13 has finally come. I’m very excited in spite of myself. I made very few plans for this day. Maybe that’s why I’m so anxious. I’ve seen the dress, beautiful white lace, the one I saw in my dreams. Alice took the blueprints right from there. It was sketched out, then sent and hand stitch in Paris. It must have cost a fortune. The dress is vintage lace covering the entire dress. It has a high neck and long sleeves. It's something you’d see in Ann of Green Gables. The sleeves are pure lace as well as the collar. The bodice has tiny ornate buttons that continue down the whole front of the dress. The skirt is not big compared to the dresses of today, but at the time the thought went into my head and was later extracted by Alice, I was thinking of how Edward’s wedding would have been had he married in 1920, before becoming a Vampire, after all, this whole wedding thing is for him.
Alice and I decided on a more traditional hairstyle. It has all been pulled up into a sleek twist of sorts. There are small white flowers weaved through some soft curls that were intentionally left out. Alice did my makeup, while I sat there feeling like a Barbie doll, I couldn’t help but think that today I did look a little bit special. I hoped Edward thought so.
The time finally came for me to put on the dress. The last act before I was to leave Alice’s oversized bathroom and make that final walk as Isabella Swan. Alice helped slip the dress over my head so I didn’t mess up my hair.
“Can you ….,” I fumbled with the first button, “do, this?” I sighed. Alice had insisted that I get my nails done for the occasion. Now I was even more clumsy than normal.
“Oh. Of course.” Her graceful fingers had the 35 buttons done up before I even looked down. “Ok, I’ll be right back. I need tell them that you’re ready!” She clapped as she danced out the door. As my maid of honor she was in charge of everything. There had been rules, and she’d followed them as closely as I ever thought she would.
She disappeared leaving me alone in her room. I turned around and happened to glance myself in the full size mirror. Not bad. Not as good as I will look in a few weeks when Edward changes me, but not bad for a human.
A human, all too soon it would be a thing of the past, that’s how I’ll have to look at it from now on. “Back when I was a human…..,” I thought. I had to block that from my thoughts right now. I had more important matters to freak out about.
In a matter of minutes I will be walking down the aisle to get married. I’m getting married I kept saying to myself. I don’t want to turn into my mother. But there is no way that I’ll end up feeling like her, looking for a way out. This is true love. Edward will take care of me and we’ll be happy forever, I repeated to myself trying to calm down.
I hope I don’t get that look form the few guests that I allowed Alice to invite. I hate that look. The look that says, your way to young to be getting married. The look my mother and father had been giving me since Edward asked them for my hand. “Ugh,” I said out loud. Then I started to hyperventilate. Alice walked in at that precise moment. I looked up with fear in my eyes and suddenly felt amazingly better.
“I thought you might be able to use a little help,” she smiled sheepishly as she pointed behind her to Jasper. I loved it that she saw the future when it was for my benefit.
“Thank you so much Jasper. Do you think you could hold my hand through this whole thing?” I said half jokingly. Knowing that by touching me his magic worked the best.
“I wouldn’t mind, but holding hands with my future sister in law, during her wedding may not look very good to the guests. Besides, Edward might get the wrong idea,” he said raising his eyebrows and giving me one of his debonair smiles.
“Fine, but at least stay close.” I sulked.
“As co-best man, I’ll be on the other side of Edward, but you already know that,” he laughed. I fully got the joke, Alice was the rehearsal Natzi. She made sure that everyone knew where they were to be and when.
There was a knock at the door. “May I come in?” was the soft voice of my father.
“Come in Charlie,” Alice sang.
“They’re ready for the bride. And I was hoping to catch a few moments alone with her before it gets underway.” He quietly said to the room of people, without looking at anyone. He had reluctantly adorn the suit that all the men in the wedding were wearing. Again, it was akin to suits of the 1920’s. He wore a white shirt with thin gray stripes, large collar, with lapels up. A wide gray and brown striped tie, hung loosely tied around his neck. He had a brown vest over the shirt and brown pants. Edward chose the color of the suit. Brown, because I had once mentioned that it was my favorite color.
“Wow, dad you look great!” I said a little too shocked. If Charlie looked this good, I could barely fathom how good Edward would look.
Everyone filed out leaving me with the father of the bride. “Bella, honey,” he started once the door shut. At that same moment my heart started pounding again. Jasper had better keep to his word. I had to remind myself to breath, which made it hard to concentrate on Charlie, but I had to force myself. There was so little time left for things like this.
“What’s up Dad? Wondering what’s for dinner? Sorry, but I’m a little busy today,” I teased.
“I just wanted to tell you, that even though I haven’t always thought that Edward was the best for you, I meant what I told him.” He looked up at me and saw the confusion in my eyes. “Didn’t Edward tell you about our conversation when he came and ask for permission?”
“No, he only said that you said yes, since that was the most important to me, I let it go. Edward wanted to do this whole thing old fashion like. I‘m letting him have his way on that,” I explained grudgingly. Remembering back to the day he proposed and I accepted. It wasn’t the first proposal, but it was the first acceptance. Our physical relationship was very guarded, and when I literally begged to take it to the next level, with my upcoming change in store, he gave me a compromise. Marry him first. That was all. With the marriage sealed I would get two things I wanted: One, him physically; and two for him to be the one to change me. He had played his hand well, and I agreed to be his wife. After only a few short minutes I was fully on board, and slightly excited, but every now and then the nerves crept back up.
“Well, I told him that if he ever hurt you again, I would hunt him down.” he smiled, and continued, “but that I really thought the two of you were a good match. You’re both so mature for your ages. He’ll take good care of you. You both have bright futures to look forward to. I can see that you love him very much and that he loves you too. After you move away to start your lives together, don’t forget that your mother and I love you too,” he ended with a kiss on the top of my head. There was another knock on the door leaving me no time to tell him all that was in my heart.
“It’s time,” Alice squealed.
I looked at Charlie, tears filled my wide eyes and his mirrored mine. “You’ll be fine. You made a good choice.” Charlie comforted me.
“I know I have. I am more afraid of something going wrong later,” I said with a shaky voice.
“Listen, Bella, you two are nothing like your mother and I. You’ve gotten to know each other and you’re both willing to compromise. Plus, the biggest difference, you’re leaving Forks together.” With that he grabbed my hand and started walking, if not dragging me down the hall.
I looked down the hall and caught Alice giving me a backward glace, smiling hugely then she was gone. As we came to the top of the stairs of the Cullen’s home, my heart stopped beating for a different reason than before. In front of me were 14 stairs, at the bottom 30 people waiting for me to fall down them. I had counted them more than once and pled with Alice not to make walk down them. She and my father assured me that I would be fine. I trusted Alice’s premonitions better than my father’s secure arm, but as I stared down at all 14 stairs I forgot all about Alice. Charlie must have felt me tense, because he locked his elbow in mine and whispered, “you’ll be fine. Just take one at a time.”
Down we went. One at a time, I saw nothing else until I reached the bottom. Only then did I dare look up. When I did it caught my breath. All the furniture had been removed from the Cullen’s open living room, all but my favorite piece. A beautiful grand piano. Coming from that piano was the loveliest sound. Second only to my own lullaby that Edward had wrote for me. This had a similar sound, but it was different. I knew in an instant that Edward was the composer. Tears weld up in my eyes. There wasn’t a place in the room not adorn with beautiful wildflowers. Bouquets everywhere, they smelled amazing. Each chair lining the aisle had a small bouquet hanging from it. The big picture window looked out onto the serene mountain scenery tying it all together.
We turned to walk down between the two sets of chairs. Every one stood up and turned to look at me. I should have been shaking a lot harder than I was, Jasper must have been keeping his promise. My eyes searched the crowd. There was Angela and Ben, both smiling. I’m going to miss her. There was Mike Newton and his family. Mike’s look was sincerely happy for me. At least I was marrying the man I turned him down for. His mother however had the look. There were a few people from the hospital where Carlisle worked and from Charlie’s police station. No one from La Push was there. My heart sank a bit with the thought that my best friend could not stand to see me make this decision.
Then, I looked up. The truth hit me as I saw him for the first time. Nothing else mattered. None of these people staring at me or the lack of some one not in attendance. Edward and myself was all that would ever matter. I saw the look in his eyes. If he was able to cry, he would be. His eyes were a smoldering shade of topaz. He could have made fortunes by being a male model for Calvin Klein. My imagination did nothing for the way he looked. I’ve never even dreamed him so beautiful. I felt my knees getting weak and realized I wasn’t breathing, this made me blush. As the blood rose to my cheeks I saw Edward smile in awareness and he took a big breath of the air that held the smell of my boiling blood and my face reacted again.
We got to the point where my father is to “give me away” and stopped. All I wanted to do is reach out and touch Edward’s all to perfect body. My eyes were locked into a gaze with Edward so I didn’t hear when the judge asked who gives away this women and Charlie said “I do.” That was my queue and I’d missed it. Edward smiled bigger and broke the connection. I stepped up and he took my hand.
The judge kept it short and sweet. Do you take him, do you take her, blah, blah, blah. I had made that non-negotiable. But then right before we were to be pronounce man and wife Edward interrupted with a cough.
“May I please say something?” he asked the judge.
“Of course,” the judge gestured as to say, the floor is yours.
Edward began as he took my hands and turned me to face him. He was all that I could see. “Isabella Swan, I needed to take a moment in front of all the people that are important to us, and make you a promise. I promise you I will never let anyone hurt you. I will never leave you and I will never, never stop loving you. If I lived to be 100,000 years old, I will keep these promises.” There were a few smiles from those “in the know.” “The hundred thousand years” was a good touch, I thought. I smiled through my tears. He let go of my hand and put both of his on my face. He leaned in close and took a deep breath.
“You sing to me,” he whispered and he gently kissed my lips. I remembered how Aro had described the connection between Edward and I. He said that I sang to him. I was his singer. I cringed at the thought of the Volturi, but that wouldn’t be a worry soon enough. Noticing my cringe he wasted no time, and kissed me. It was better than the first time he kissed me. So many of his kisses had felt like he was saying goodbye. This kiss felt like he was saying hello. It was hard to not kiss him back as ferociously as my body wanted me to, but for once I restrained. I let the cold tingling sensation flow from my lips down through my body and back up. He stopped kissing me at that moment and turned his lips to my year and whisper so softly I barely heard it, “breath, my lovely wife.”
I obeyed, after realizing that he was now holding me up completely and I was only a few moments away from passing out. “Would his kisses have the same affect afterward, “ I let myself ponder.
The judge snickered and said, “Well you kissed the bride, so I guess I’ll pronounce you Husband and Wife. Kiss her again!”
This time I did throw myself into the kiss. He was mine forever. He could never leave me now. He was legally mine. I wanted him to feel that with my kiss. Edward pushed me away after a second.
“Not yet, Bella. For that, you’ll have to wait for tonight,” he said very naughtily.
“I love you so much, Edward.”
“I know, me too.”
We started back down the aisle as husband and wife. I was more excited about this moment that I thought I would be. There would be no more curfews, no more leaving him and walking into my house alone. We would always be together. I wanted to scream I was so happy. My heart thumped loud in my chest.
“You ok?” Edward asked, having heard my blood rushing through my veins.
“I’m…just….so….amazingly…..happy!” I stuttered out.
“It’s not too much?” he asked, motioning to the flowers tucked in every nook and cranny.
“Actually, everything is perfect. Thank you for the song, it made me cry,” I sighed.
“That’s my present to you…..Well one of my presents to you.” He smiled mischievously again.

The reception
. By this time it was twilight. The time that has also become my favorite time of day. It is the safest time for vampires. The plan was to hold the reception outside. I thought we should have tents on hand in case it rained, but again Alice had this taken care of. It was to sprinkle in the morning, (which it did) and it would clear up and be a beautiful warm August evening (which it was). We walked out the door through the kitchen to meet my guests and it was like walking into my own personal hell. If the wedding was perfect, beautiful, not over the top……the reception was the exact opposite
There were twinkling lights hung on every tree surrounding the meadow that encircled the house. There was a banquet table set up with more food on it than the 30 human guests could eat in two days. There were round tables strategically placed. At the front of the tables was a stage and a band was finishing setting up. Then I saw it. It confirmed that I would have to kill Alice. A dance floor laid out in the middle of the tables.
The lightheartedness of moments ago had vanished, “you knew about this! Where is she? I‘m going to kill her,” I snarled at Edward.
“Bella, calm down. It’s all in who’s leading, remember prom. You admitted that you had a good time there. And this is your wedding,” Edward tried to convince me.
“Exactly, so they’ll all be staring at me,” I said while trying to find the closest way out of the backyard.
Edward chuckled and drug me toward the tables. The guests were already settling into their seats when the dreaded words sounded from speakers that were conspicuously hidden.
“Ladies and gentleman, let me be the first to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen in their first dance as a married couple,” the lead singer of the band announced.
Three of my top 5 fears were in that sentence. The two left out were Edward leaving me and the Volturi coming back before I was changed. This left me with; standing in front of a crowd being introduced, being married, and dancing.
“Can’t we start the honeymoon right now?” I was pleading with Edward and he was enjoying it too much.
“You would hurt Alice’s feelings,” he smiled as he said the words.
“If I could hurt more than that, I would,” I mumbled as the dance floor got closer to me and my legs started to tremble.
“It would hurt my feelings too. I want to show you off to all these people. Hold you in my arms and never let go. Please, Bella? For me?” he questioned me with those eyes. The ones he knew that I couldn’t say no too. He was playing dirty again.
“Fine, but you can’t use that again for a month,” and with that he lifted me slightly off my feet and we began our first dance. The band was playing an upbeat version of the song that had been playing as I walked down the aisle. I preferred that rendition, but this wasn’t bad either. “I suppose you wrote this too?” I asked slightly annoyed, trying not to look at anyone else.
“Yes,” he said matter of fact.
“Show off,” I laughed, “I like the slow one best.
“Me too.”
I hung on to his neck as we twirled around and I leaned close. Smelling his sweet scent helped me forget the 60 eyeballs that were staring at me. We danced around. It was actually a very romantic scene. In the decades to come maybe I would come to enjoy dancing, and forgive Alice…… maybe. I would definitely have time to practice dancing and hopefully the klutziness will not come through into the vampire I was to become.
The dance ended and we danced with our parents. Charlie and I danced next to Edward and Esme. It was not even fair. We looked like a couple of monkeys trying to balance on a ball compare to their exquisite steps. Then, I danced with Carlisle and Renee danced with Edward. Edward must have warned Carlisle because he held on much tighter than my dad and moved me around the dance floor flawlessly. By then everyone was dancing and I wasn’t so self-conscious.
I was dancing with Jasper and not having a care in the world. “Thank you for the ceremony. It really helped.” I gushed. It was easy to forget oneself in his arms.
Jasper smiled slyly. “I stopped after you came down the stairs.”
“You did?” I asked confused. I had felt so good, I figured it could only be from Jasper.
“Bella, you were on your own. If your thoughts and feelings were elevated, it was all you,” he glanced over my shoulder nodding toward Edward and smiled. Edward was leaning against a table, chewing on a straw with his perfect half smile, looking straight at me. No doubt he heard what Jasper was thinking. It was the only way Edward was able to see my thoughts. It was like we were both finding out something about me at the exact same moment. I was happy to be married to Edward. My Edward.
Edward put down his chew toy, strode over and asked to cut in. “May I?”
“She’s all yours. Watch out for your toes, though,” Jasper laughed as he walked away.
The song the band was now playing was a soft, slow song. We swayed in perfect unison to the lingering beat. “Mrs. Cullen, I love you,” Edward whispered in my ear. My heart skipped a beat and my eyes rolled back into my head.
“I love you too, Mr. Cullen.” We dance for a moment in silence. Then, I looked up with tears in my eyes. “This day was perfect. We finally did something without mistakes. And you know what? You’re stuck with me now, you know. I hope you thought this through,” I smirked at him.
“We’re stuck with each other,” he looked at me with very soft eyes, “ Bella, my love, the only mistake I made was not talking you into this earlier.” He twirled me around and ended on the last note of the song with me dipped in his arms. He leaned down and kissed me with a very passionate kiss.

The reception ended and the guests left one by one. We said our ‘thank you for coming’s” and goodbyes to each of them. Edward didn’t let go of my hand the whole time. After the last person left we walked into the house with the rest of our families. My mother was complimenting Esme on her lovely home and Charlie and Carlisle were discussing fishing, of all things. They all turned when we walked in.
“Well, honey you did it,” my mother smiled at me. “Congratulations, Edward. You got the best part of us.” She gestured at herself and Charlie.
“I know Renee. Thank you for coming, I know it was very quick and bad timing. We appreciate it.” Edward was always so polite.
Paul, Renee’s husband’s season was just starting. He was at a new school and couldn’t just up and leave in 2 weeks notice so Renee had come alone. That was fine with me. Charlie was my father and it made it feel good to have them in the same place at the same time.
Renee was leaving, she had to drive to Seattle tonight to make her flight first thing in the morning. Charlie insisted on driving her. Goodbyes were hard for me. This would be the last time I would see them for a long time. We would go on our pseudo honeymoon and then off to college. In real life Edward would change me into a vampire. After that, I would be different. Things would not be the same. I told them I loved them over ten times. They thought I was nervous about being married. I played along. As they took off down the drive tears flowed over my cheeks.
Then there was that familiar hand around my waist and the soft lips on my neck. I closed my eyes and made the decision to not long after my parents. They were better off without me in their lives for awhile. I would not put them in anymore danger. I had my new husband and my new family. They would have to be enough to get me through the next few years. I would miss Charlie and Renee very much.
The Wedding Night

“Bella, are you ready to go?” Edward said softly into my neck.
“Going? Where are we going?” I asked seriously confused.
“You want to spend your wedding night here?” he asked with one eyebrow raised.
“I just assumed…..”
“You underestimate me.”
He swiftly picked me up in his arms and started his all too familiar ‘walk’ through the woods.
“Aren’t I going to need a change of clothes, toiletries, anything?” I asked curious.
“Taken care of.”
We were going very fast and I just hung on for the ride. After awhile I started to get curious as to where we were going.
“We’re camping on our wedding night? I think I’d rather stay at the house,” I mused.
“Shhhh, sweet non-trusting girl. We‘re almost there,” he smiled. I had no idea where I was.
He slowed down and then let me walk. He pointed through the trees. “Just through there. Go ahead, I’m right behind you.”
I walked straight ahead, when the trees finally parted I recognized where we were. It was our meadow. In the meadow there was a tent. Not a camping tent, but a huge cream colored canvas tent. It was bigger that my room at Charlie’s house. I ran to the door and walked in. There were more twinkling lights hung around the tent, illuminating everything. There was a changing screen in the far corner and a suitcase placed on a small dresser. There was pitcher of water and a basin, like you’d see in movies portraying the early 1900’s, with my toiletries sitting next to it. Next to the pitcher there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers. There must have been a hidden CD player, because the most beautiful music was playing. It was piano, they were Edward’s songs. The most unbelievable part of the tent was right in the middle. A huge four poster bed stood in the middle of the room. It was made of rich redwood. There was a thick cream comforter spread over the top. There was a step stool next to the bed, because of the height, a human would need help getting in.
I tried to take it all in. “How…..When…..How…..” I stammered. “Did Alice…..?”
“No, this was all me.” He walked up to me, put a hand on both sides of my face, looking deep into my eyes, “I told you the only mistake I made was not talking you into this sooner.” His eyes smoldered and there was a look I’d never seen before. It didn’t scare me the way a vampire looking at me should scare me, but it did send an electrical charge from heart to my toes, stopping in all the right places. Then he was kissing me. His hands were not guarded anymore. They lingered on my face and slowly moved down my neck. They caressed my collar bone and then moved to the 30 buttons on my dress. They were no match for his nimble fingers. They were undone quicker than Alice had done them up.
The passionate kiss on the dance floor was nothing compared to this. This was all the fear we’d felt in the past year and a half. It was all the time away from one another. It was all the emotion that two people who were this much in love, all wrapped up in one kiss.
His hand stopped at my waist. He lifted his eyes to mine. “I want this to be perfect, too. Let’s take it slow. I can’t loose control. I must concentrate, do you understand.” He said with all the love he had.
“Yes, I understand. I trust you. I love you, Edward.”
He took a step back, gave me a quick kiss and said, “wait right here.” He turned around and walked toward the changing screen. I looked away and saw my reflection in the small mirror that sat on the dresser. I suddenly became aware of the situation. My dress was half open and I looked at myself in horror as I realized that this was it. The thing I’ve longed for was happening. I sucked in my stomach, fixed my hair, made sure there wasn’t anything in my teeth. I jumped when I noticed some one watching me in the mirror.
I quickly turned around. Edward stood leaning against the bottom post of the bed watching me. He was smiling, but for once that was not what I was looking at. He had taken his vest and tie off. His shirt hung unbuttoned revealing his beautiful body. My eyes moved down from his perfect proportioned pecks, to his stomach. My mouth dropped open. He laughed at me. When he laughed every muscle in his rock hard stomach tighten. I followed the muscles down until they met his hips and then followed the line down to his waistband. The tingle was back running it’s course through my body, and he hadn’t even touched me yet.
I didn’t realize I was smiling. I looked up into his eyes and saw nothing but love. I no longer felt insecure about myself. I walked up to him, put my hands under his shirt and urgently helped him out of it. I started kissing his neck. I kissed his chest. I kissed his stomach. His skin was so soft and cold. The cold reacted with my hot lips sending a chill throughout my face.
Edwards breathing was getting faster. “Bella, you have no idea what that does to me,” he breathed.
“I think I do,” I smiled and stood up to look him in the eye. He kissed me. I let my dress fall to the floor. I was so glad Alice talked me into wearing this fancy slip under my dress. At the time I didn’t see the need. I hoped this was not a scene she foresaw. Hopefully it was just a fashion thing. I wanted this all for myself.
Edward continued kissing me softly. Before I knew he had stopped, I was cradled in his arms and he was kissing me again. I was starting to loose control. My body was taking over my mind. Edward must have felt it too. He laid me on the bed and slid in next to me.
“Are you ok,” he asked softly.
“I couldn’t be better than I am at this moment.” I had this stupid smile on my face and no matter what I did it wouldn’t go away.
He gave me an impish grin. “Are you sure?”
He started kissing me again. His hands moved as though they were a wild animal being unleashed. They were exploring the uncharted territories of my body. Each new place his cold fingers caressed made me jump slightly. He stopped just long enough to study my face for signs of pain. There were none. It was not pain that made me jump.
I had to pull away from his kisses to breath. I wanted to stay conscious through this. His kisses never stopped. He kissed my neck, then my collar bone. He slid the soft fabric of my slip off my shoulders and gently pulled it down further and further as he kissed every inch of my skin. The kisses stopped where my leg met my torso. I shuttered. I felt that I actually might spontaneously combust right then.
He slid back up my body to look in my eyes. He looked at me like he really could read my mind, but I was so glad he couldn’t. Mind was screaming, though I wasn’t quite sure what it was I wanted him to do exactly. He seemed to know exactly what to do. He gazed into my eyes, moved ever so slightly and with a small gasp from me, our bodies were moving in perfect rhythm. He was so soft and careful.
Every movement seemed to have been rehearsed, though I knew he was as new at this as I was. That made this all the more special. This was a first for us both. He didn’t have 110 years experience. We were learning together. I was thankful that I waited for my wedding night. I couldn’t imagine this feeling being as good if it was any other time than right now.
We were kissing again. I was breathing harder. The feeling was so amazing. The sensation was so intense and it only got better. I started to see stars. I felt like I was going to pass out. I grabbed Edward’s back as I held my breath. I let out a delicate cry, and my body relaxed against his. I drifted in half consciousness.
I barely heard Edward speaking. I didn’t respond. At the point he was almost yelling. I turned to look at him and tried to register what he was saying.
“Bella, are you alright? What have I done? Are you hurt? Bella, talk to me. Please, Bella.” With every word he got more and more frantic.
I reached up to stroke his face. “Edward, I’m fine.” I said softly.
“But you were so tense and you were digging into my back with those daggers. You cried out. Then you went limp. I thought I killed you,” his voice was full of emotion.
“Edward, I think that is how I’m supposed to react,” I blushed as I said the words. I was embarrassed at how I had lost control. Did I really scream? Did I even care? The answer was yes, but only because I had frightened Edward. “I am sorry I scared you, though.”
Edwards face changed from terror to pride. “Oh” was all he said. Then, he laid on his side next to me. His head propped up on his hand and a smug smile across his face, “I guess I am perfect at everything.”
“Yes you are,” I smiled believing every word. My mind was replaying the whole event.
“Did I even come close to perfection, or were you concentrating too hard to even notice?” I questioned, it came out like I was singing. This was very different from anyway I had felt before.
“Bella, you are perfection. Your warmth made me feel human again. Surprisingly, I didn’t have to concentrate that hard. It was like my body knew how to react. It was better than I could ever have imagined.” He flopped down on the bed next to me. He was now wearing the same stupid grin I was. It made me laugh.
I held up my left hand and examined the ring on my finger. It didn’t seem as heavy as it once had. I never wanted to take it off. I couldn’t believe where I was and what just happened. Without realizing what was happening, I felt a tear streak down my cheek and land in my hair.
“What’s wrong? You are hurt, aren’t you?” he was panicking again.
“No, I’m the opposite of hurt. I have never been so completely happy before. It’s so overwhelming to realize that you finally have everything you’ve ever wanted,” I stopped and looked at him through my damp eyes, “well, almost everything.”
Edward smiled, “I completely know what you’re talking about. Even the last thing on your list doesn’t scare me now,” he paused and took my face in his hands as he so often did. “Perfection will be spending eternity with you.”
He kissed me again. Although I didn’t think I had an ounce of strength left. His kisses started my adrenaline pumping again. My mind was ready and my body was willing. We made love again and again, the rest of the night. When dawn was breaking, I fell asleep exhausted in my husband’s arms. I dreamt of Edward and I going through the decades hand in hand. Nights upon nights just like this.


Lisa said...

This is absolute perfection! I couldn't be more satisfied with your vision of the events we've all been dreaming of unless I were Bella myself! You've just given Stepehenie a run for her money!!! I just want these words and all the scenery and emotion that come along with them to live in my mind and heart as the way the story really goes, start to finish. I feel that the story is complete and I don't even need Breaking Dawn! (Sorry for the Blasphemy!...but it's true!) Thank You for sharing this gift!!!

Kathy Habel said...

Exactly how it has to happen! I love it. Eclipse should have ended like this

Georgia said...

Oh boy oh boy!

This was a fun read :) THank you!!!

Amy said...

That was amazing! I can't even put it into words- Wow, just wow!

Jodee said...

I only have one concern. Now Stepheni can't write it just like that or it will be a copywrite problem. That was just too darn fun to read, yet very tastefully done.

Lewis family said...

I really appreciate how tastefully done this was. Thanks for writing this!

Sarah said...

That was PERFECT!